1. Lexical Structure

  2. Data Types and Values

  3. Variables

  4. Expressions and Operators

  5. Statements

  6. Functions

  7. Objects

  8. Javascript in Web Browsers

  9. Windows and Frames

  10. The Document Object Model

  11. Events and Event Handling

  12. Dynamic HTML

*These notes are based on information taken from random sources on the Internet, and O'Reilly's excellent guide to Javascript (not really for absolute beginners).   - 9/1/2025

Chapter 2 - Lexical Structure

Chapter 3 - Data Types and Values

Chapter 4 - Variables

Chapter 5 - Expressions and Operators

Chapter 6 - Statements

Chapter 7 - Functions

Chapter 8 - Objects

Chapter 12 - Javascript in Web Browsers

Chapter 13 - Windows and Frames

Chapter 14 - The Document Object Model

Chapter 15 - Events and Event Handling

Event Handler Trigger Object(s) supported by
onAbort loading interrupted Image
onBlur element loses input focus all elements, Window
onChange user selects or deselects an item, or enters text and moves input focus to another element Select, text input elements
onClick user clicks once. Return false to cancel default action (eg, follow link, submit...) Link, button elements
onError error occurs while loading image Image
onFocus element given input focus all elements, Window
onKeyDown* key pressed by user. Return false to cancel Document*, Image*, Link*, text elements
onKeyUp* key released by user. Return false to cancel Document*, Image*, Link*, text elements
onLoad document or image finishes loading Window, Image
onMouseDown* user presses mouse button Document, Image, Link, button elements*
onMouseOut mouse moves off element Link, Image*, Layer*
onMouseOver mouse moves over element. For links, return true to prevent URL from appearing in status bar Link, Image*, Layer*
onMouseUp user releases mouse button. Return false to cancel Document, Link, Image, button elements*
onReset form reset requested. Return false to prevent Form
onResize window is resized Window
onSubmit Form submission requested. Return false to prevent Form
onUnload Document is unloaded Window

Chapter 17 - Dynamic HTML

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